Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Macondo Blow Out Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 3

Macondo Blow Out - Research Paper Example On April the 20th at 9:45 PM the Macondo oil rig experienced a blow out that resulted from a jet of seawater being ejected from the riser accompanied by a slushy of mud and oil followed by jets of methane. This mixture, especially the methane, ignited and caused a series of explosions that served to cripple the well and eventually took the lives of 11 personnel.1 At the time the explosion occurred, the Deepwater Horizon rig was drilling at a depth of around 5000 feet into what experts have described as the Macondo Prospect which is located approximately 40 miles from the coast of Louisiana (Rose et al 2). Although the ownership of Deepwater Horizon has remained unclear to a host of individuals, the fact of the matter was that BP did not operate the rig solely under its own direction. Rather, BP was the owner of the rig itself but only held a 65% share of ownership in relation to the Mississippi Canyon drilling expedition that resulted in the disaster of Deepwater Horizon. Additionally, the remaining 35% of interest in the rig was split between Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, aka Halliburton Corporation, (which held a 25% share) and MOEX Offshore 2007 (which held a 10% share). After the explosion took place, the Macondo Blow-Out began to gush crude oil into the ocean at a rate of around 2.6 million gallons per day. This figure is disputed by different groups that either wish to minimize or maximize the effect that the Deepwater Horizon disaster had on the surrounding environment; however, for this study, the author has chosen to employ the Coast Guard’s estimates as those which were most likely to not experience any form of particular bias with relation to the disaster. Most scholars agree that the rate of flow of the oil seepage continued virtually unabated until the well was capped on the 19th of September of the same year. Certain experts disagree with this analysis and claim that the well gushed more oil in the initial stages  whereas, near the time when the well was capped, most of the pressure had been relieved thus much less oil was flowing.  Ã‚  

Monday, October 28, 2019

Socio-Psychological Study of Personality Essay Example for Free

Socio-Psychological Study of Personality Essay Social psychology and personality psychology have the same job: to seek to understand the meaningful, consequential, and for the most part social behaviors of daily life. Cognitive psychology examines component processes such as memory, perception, and cognition. Biological psychology seeks to understand the physical underpinnings of behavior in the anatomy, physiology, functional organization, genetic basis and evolutionary history of the nervous system. Developmental psychology explores the roots of behavior in genetics and early childhood experience, and changes across the life course. All of these fields could be viewed as foundational for the common concern of social and personality psychology, which is to understand what people do every day. In this light, it is unsurprising that courses in social and personality psychology are among the most popular offerings on most college campuses; their subject matter is not only important, it is personally relevant and intrinsically interesting. This division of labor makes a certain amount of sense, but problems arose as the fields gradually became so specialized that many practitioners of each field became unaware of the basic principles, findings and methods of the other, and grew worse when social psychologists began to suspect that personality psychology’s emphasis on individual differences was misguided. In his memoirs, the eminent social psychologist Roger Brown described one memorably awkward encounter between the two traditions: Personality Psychology Personality can be defined as an individual’s characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior, together with the psychological mechanisms – hidden or not – behind those patterns (Funder, 2007). The ultimate goal of personality psychology is to explain every individual from the inside out. The mission includes describing, measuring and explaining how people differ from one another, uncovering the conscious and unconscious thoughts and feelings that drive behavior, and predicting what people will do in the future, among other goals. But this mission has one problem: it is impossible. The complete study of the individual encompasses too many considerations at once to be feasibly pursued by investigators with human limitations of time and intelligence. The Basic Approaches to Studying Personality Biological Approach The biological approach to studying personality searches for the organic roots of individual differences using anatomy, physiology, genetics, and evolutionary theory. Anatomy. Research focusing on anatomy attempts to identify brain structures that play a role in various personality traits. For example, research using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has shown that shy people, compared to people described as more â€Å"bold,† respond to pictures of unfamiliar people with bilateral activation of the amygdala, and to pictures of familiar people with activation on just the left side of this organ (Beaton, Schmidt, Schulkin, Antony, Swinson Hall, 2008). The challenge for the next generation of research will be to use these intriguing findings to illuminate aspects of personality that were not previously apparent, and to outline psychological processes and interactions among them that are not detectable from overt behavioral data alone. Modern imaging technology offers a theoretical promissory note that will someday be paid but, to date, remains to be cashed. Physiology. Biological research on personality also addresses physiology, examining biochemicals (neurotransmitters and hormones) that might be associated with individual differences in behavior. Dopamine and serotonin are widely studied neurotransmitters. Research suggests that dopamine is involved in the experience of reward and the reinforcement of behavior (Blum et al., 1996), while serotonin plays a role in emotional regulation and feelings of well-being (Knutson et al., 1998). The hormone testosterone has received considerable attention and appears to play an important role in sexual behavior and aggression (Zuckerman, 1991; Dabbs Morris, 1990, respectively). Cortisol, the well-known â€Å"fight or flight† hormone associated with anxiety, fear and aggressive response, appears to be surprisingly low in shy individuals (Beaton, Schmidt, Ashbaugh, Santesso, Antony, McCabe, Segalowtiz Schulkin, 2006). But it also is low in people high on the trait of sensation-seeking, so the situation, as always, is complicated (Zuckerman, 1998). Behavioral Genetics. Behavioral genetics and evolutionary psychology both focus on the inheritance of individual differences in behavior. For the good and the bad, we are more similar to people with whom we share more genes (e.g., our parents) than fewer genes (e.g., our cousins). We look like our parents, we are more likely to have high blood pressure if our parents do, and we even have an IQ level similar to our parents. Behavioral genetics extends this knowledge and studies the question: Are those who are more genetically similar (e.g., monozygotic twins) more similar in personality compared to those who are less genetically similar (e.g., dyzygotic twins)? Decades of research has established that most and perhaps all personality traits are heritable to some degree. Indeed, one authoritative researcher seriously suggested that â€Å"the first law of behavioral genetics† should be everything is heritable (Turkheimer, 1998, p. 789). Genes matter, to at least some degree, to a ny psychological outcome and certainly any personality trait. Evolutionary Psychology. Evolutionary psychology studies behavioral patterns proposed to have been adaptive during the development of the human species. It assumes that behaviors that are common to humans (a) have a genetic basis and (b) increased the likelihood of survival and/or reproduction during evolutionary history. The more a behavior helps an individual to survive and reproduce, the more likely the behavior is to be genetically transmitted, and therefore, appear in subsequent generations. Evolutionary psychology has particularly focused on variation in sexual behavior between males and females. It is commonly hypothesized that gender differences in behavior that are still present today exist because, in the history of evolution, the behaviors that increased the likelihood of reproduction for males were different from the behaviors that increased the likelihood of reproduction for females. Psychoanalytic Approach While biological research seeks to identify the specific physical foundations of behavior and personality, the psychoanalytic approach often operates on a level of almost metaphysical abstraction – one that, nonetheless, leads to unique insights and, on occasion, testable hypotheses. Psychoanalysis seeks to understand personality at the deepest psychological level and takes on the unique challenge of explaining what is going on in the hidden and sometimes dark recesses of the human mind. From a psychoanalytic perspective, personality is shaped by early childhood experiences and behavior is ultimately determined by the outcomes of unconscious processes and conflict. The psychoanalytic approach focuses on constructs such as the unconscious mind, defense mechanisms, attachment, and ego-strength. Humanistic Approach The humanistic approach was originally based on an even less scientific tradition than psychoanalysis. Early pioneers, such as Carl Rogers (1951) and Abraham Maslow (1987), believed that personality is a special entity that cannot be studied dispassionately from a distance. They argued that unlike rocks and trees, people can perceive, think, and feel, and this fact makes the study of people fundamentally different from other sciences and more difficult than is usually acknowledged. The humanistic approach proposes that the key to understanding behavior requires appreciating each individual from his or her own unique perspective. Humanism is also different from the other approaches in that it focuses on human strength, growth, and well-being, rather than human weakness. Humanistic psychology’s core concern with how people construct their views of reality is echoed in cross-cultural research, which involves understanding the ways in which people from different cultures may have fundamentally different views of the world. Learning-based Approaches Classic behaviorists ignore concepts like happiness and construals of reality because their approach strictly dictates that they study only that which can be directly observed. Behaviorism is a learning-based approach to studying personality and it places heavy emphasis on overt behavior and the rewards and punishments in the environment that condition individuals to behave in certain ways. From this perspective, personality is simply the behaviors that an individual performs as a result of environmentally imposed reinforcement contingencies. Cognitive Approach The cognitive approach, which evolved from and overlaps with the social learning theories, focuses on perceptual processes, thoughts and beliefs, and motivational processes that form the basis of personality and behavior. One way of conceptualizing personality traits is to think of them as dimensions along which people think and perceive information differently. For example, one person might have the disposition to have positive thoughts more readily accessible, whereas another person might have the disposition to have negative thoughts more accessible. Trait Approach The trait approach to studying personality places individual difference constructs (i.e., personality traits) front and center. According to Allport (1931), traits are psychological mechanisms that determine people’s responses to stimuli. He believed that traits motivate and organize an individual’s behavior and knowing an individual’s traits requires observing his or her behavior repeatedly. Such observation will reveal the consistent behavioral patterns from which the underlying psychological mechanisms can be inferred. From this perspective, traits are like gravity. Gravity is a concept that describes the force of attraction between objects and explains a wide range of astronomical observations (e.g., how planets orbit the sun). Similarly, traits are psychological concepts that are used to describe individual differences in behavior and give coherence to a wide range of psychological observations. Nobody has ever seen either gravity or narcissism directly, but perhaps their nature can be discerned from their effects. Behavioral Assessment of Personality The foundation of empirical personality psychology is the observation of behavior – the only way to examine a personality construct is to propose a behavioral manifestation and then observe it. This is true regardless of the nature of the construct, which, as we have seen, might be anything from stimulus generalization, to rejection-sensitivity, to self-esteem, to conscientiousness, to gender identity. The scientific study of personality rests on the following simple formula: P → B. A researcher might theoretically view P as causing B, or view P as a summary of B, but the method of study remains the same. Single Traits When a researcher develops a personality test that measures a single trait, the trait is usually one that that seems particularly important and a huge effort may be made to explore all possible implications. The traits that receive this kind of attention vary over the years, for reasons that may be less than clear. Some traits appear to become well-known and widely researched because they address a social issue that seems particularly important at the time. Multiple Traits Other widely-used personality tests measure a large number of traits at once. The â€Å"many-trait† inventories are typically used to examine the many possible psychological characteristics that are related to an important behavior or life outcome. For example, the California Adult Q-set[1] (CAQ: Block, 1978, 2007; Bem Funder, 1978) consists of one hundred descriptions of specific psychological attributes (e.g., Is critical, skeptical, not easily impressed; Is a genuinely dependable and responsible person). Essential Traits Finally, some personality research is motivated by the question: Which personality traits are the most important? Currently, the most widely accepted answer to this question is the Big Five. The Big Five represent the culmination of more than a hundred years of research aimed at reducing the many possible personality traits to an essential few (Galton, 1884; Thurstone, 1934; Allport Odbert, 1936; Cattell, 1943; Fiske, 1949; Tupes Christal, 1961; Norman, 1967; McCrae Costa, 1987; Goldberg, 1990; Digman, 1990). Research on the Big Five traits is based, in part, on the lexical hypothesis (e.g. Goldberg, 1981), which proposes that anything truly important to human life will be labeled with words. This idea suggests that the most important personality traits will be encoded in language. Therefore, researchers extracted trait-adjective words from the Oxford Dictionary and factor analyzed ratings of them, many times over, along with scores on a multitude of personality inventories. Beyond Self-report Although self-report questionnaires have traditionally dominated the literature and probably deserve credit for having contributed most of what has been learned about personality, they entail two major disadvantages. First, people may sometimes be unwilling to reveal undesirable aspects of their personalities. Second, people are not always aware of every aspect of themselves. Several studies suggest that people rate themselves higher on socially desirable characteristics (e.g., trustworthiness) and rate themselves lower on undesirable characteristics (e.g., laziness). Person Perception and Accuracy The way that an individual is perceived by others is highly consequential. Reputation determines the opportunities that others will make available to the individual and the expectations they will hold. A person with a good reputation will be trusted and find that other people like him or her; a person with a bad reputation probably not get the job that he or she wants, not attract his or her love interest, and be generally disliked. Moreover, a people tend to live up or down to their good or bad reputations because they tend to behave in ways that confirm the expectations of others (Rosenthal Rubin, 1978; Snyder Swann, 1978). The study of how people perceive one another is a major research topic in social and personality psychology (Macrae, this volume). It is called â€Å"person perception research† within social psychology and â€Å"accuracy research† within personality psychology and the difference in labels is more than superficial. The two research paradigms are based on fundamentally different philosophical perspectives, focus on different aspects of social perception, and are studied using different methodologies. Person Perception Person perception research in social psychology is based on social constructivism, in the sense that it treats the views people have of one another as mental constructions, a property of the social perceiver rather than of the person who is described. Therefore, the focus of person perception research is on the cognitive processes that underlie the construction of impressions. Accuracy Research Accuracy research within personality psychology follows a fundamentally different strategy. It is based on critical realism (Rorer, 1990), a philosophical approach which asserts that the best way to assess a judgment is in terms of multiple fallible external criteria that probabilistically indicate the degree to which it is a true reflection of reality[2]. Methods of Accuracy Research. The primary methodology involves comparing multiple sources of information about a person in order to evaluate the degree to which a personality judgment is accurate. For example, if Person A is judged to be high in extraversion by his or her acquaintance, we can evaluate this judgment by comparing it to Person A’s self-judgment of the degree to which he or she is extraverted, to direct observations of Person A’s behavior (e.g., does Person A talk more than others?), and to relevant life outcomes (e.g., does Person A successfully engage in an occupation that requires being outgoing and energetic?). Accuracy research differs from person perception research in that the typical study uses real people as the target of judgment and gathers personality judgments from people who know them in real life along with other indicators such as self-judgments, behavioral observations and life outcomes. Competition Although the accuracy and person perception paradigms differ in many ways, they are potentially complementary. It is not difficult to imagine an interdisciplinary effort that combined social cognition and accuracy research into one big theory that ultimately explained how people perceive one another. However, deep philosophical and methodological differences between social and personality psychology have stood in the way of this integration. Towards a Cooperative Social-Personality Psychology The most useful way to consider situational and personal variables is as interactional partners. This view was operationalized in Lewin’s (1936) well-known formula: B = f (P,S), which explicitly defines behavior as a function of the person and the situation. This equation implies that if we knew all of the relevant psychological properties of a person and all of the relevant properties of his or her situation, we could predict with high precision what the person would do.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Practicing Theory :: essays research papers

Putting Theories into Practice In politics, humans seem to be very contradictory towards one another. Many situations allot for disagreement as well as interesting discussions and conversations. I was watching the presidential debate when my girlfriend started shedding her opinion, which I didn’t quite agree with. It was as if she ignored what one candidate said and believed the other because there was a bias in her thinking. That, along with what each candidate was saying was causing sway in my opinion and I felt discomfort. I chose Cognitive Dissonance Theory for this incident due to the conflicting ideas going on in my head during this situation. When she started making biased comments about whatever a particular candidate said, I had conflicting thoughts that go right along with the dissonant relationship aspect of the Cognitive Dissonance Theory. I thought that in order to make a decision you need to know everything that happens not just bits and pieces of it, but what conflicted with this thought was her biased comment that was based solely on one statement. What I was after to make my own thoughts and judgments agreeable was to arrive at some level of consistent thoughts within myself as to how I can alleviate the tension. The reason for this dissonance was because of outside sources that led me to take action that caused an effect. But after the discussion with the other person I found myself trying to achieve consonance and reduce dissonance because of my discomfort. In essence I was trying to co nvince myself that I should try and find some compromise with what she was saying so the conflict would cease to exist. In order for the conflict to stop and cope with the dissonance my attitude had to change, which led me after the conversation to seek out selective exposure. This meant I had to seek information not present at that time to help reduce the dissonance within myself and stop the arguing between her and myself. From what she was saying I also sought out a different type of perception, selective interpretation. From the ambiguous information she offered I tried to compromise and make some of it consistent to my own thoughts that could help further to end the dissonance. The ultimate tactic I used that I wasn’t even aware of until I saw this term was minimal justification. The minimal incentive given in this case was just me saying, â€Å"I’m not saying you are wrong, I just want you to see the whole picture before you pass judgment.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The origin of hurricanes and predictability of hurricane tracks

Low pressure systems form at mid latitude temperate zones as a result of the convergence of warm and cold air masses. Low pressure systems generally form over the polar front where the polar maritime air (a cold air mass) and tropical maritime air (a warm air mass) meet. Air currents in this area within the Northern Hemisphere will flow counter-clockwise due to the rotation of the earth and surface friction. Air flows accumulate at the centre of the system, and the warm air rises because it is less dense, leading to low pressure at the surface. It contains more moisture than the polar maritime air and as a result, when it ascends, it condenses and produces clouds and rain. Cirrus type clouds are the first clouds that are usually created at this point. A circulation of air rotates in an anticlockwise motion due to the coriolis effect. The tropical maritime air swirls around the polar front, the system matures and eventually a warm and cold front is created. At the warm front, the warm air rises over the cold air, the cirrus clouds develop to be cirrostratus, altostratus and nimbostratus clouds which eventually will lead to heavy rain because of the condensation of the warm air. Towards the edge of the warm front, conditions are more stable and pressure stops decreasing as much. No longer is there so much condensation and therefore there is less rain. Polar maritime air is fast, dense, and strong. Eventually the air pushes in and forces the warm air off the ground, creating instability. The pressure increases, as the air ascends rapidly, cumulonimbus clouds form bringing in heavy rain and storms[1]. The cold front consists of heavier and denser air and displaces the warmer and lighter air, because of this, it moves faster than the warm front and it will ultimately catch up with it. Warm air is forced off the ground by the cold air, and once this happens, an occlusion is created. Uniform air begins to fill the gap between the warm front and the cold front and this is where the low pressure system begins to die away. At tropical latitudes, if sea surface temperatures are above 27 degrees c[2], then the low pressure system will grow. If the conditions are right, tropical thunderstorms may develop to become a hurricane. Low pressure systems often begin to rotate around a central area of low pressure. This is known as a tropical depression, if the depression increases in intensity so that winds reach at least 39 mph, it's categorised as a tropical storm. If wind speeds reach and average of 74 mph[3], it known as tropical cyclone or hurricane. Hurricanes/ tropical cyclones mainly develop in the region between 10 and 20 degrees North of the equator (Goldenberg, 2001). When a storm grows to become a hurricane/tropical cyclone, it is described as a non-frontal low pressure system[4] and can reach up to 340 miles across in diameter[5]. Hurricanes absorb energy from the warm water of the ocean, and a thunderstorm will continue to grow so long as there is a fuel source i. e a supply of moist air and heat. This source is normally found above the water in tropical waters. When the heat supply is cut off i. when the hurricane begins to migrate northwards (or southwards), over colder water, it will weaken and die away. Heat from the oceans is the primary source of energy for hurricanes, [6]and so, the greater the heat of the SST [7]the more intense and frequent hurricanes in that area will be (Goldenberg, et al, 2001). Hurricanes don't usually develop far inland due to the lack of moisture. [8] If there is no moisture, then clouds are not likely to form. Cloud formation results in the generation of latent heat. Latent heat is the heat needed to initiate a change of phase i. to a state of higher energy, e. g. from solid to liquid, or liquid to gas, in this context though, it's from liquid to a gas. As clouds are not generated as much, then not much latent heat is released. the majority of hurricanes originate and stay within the oceans, though they do occasionally travel inland, and the effects they can have on the environment, society and on the economy of the affected area are potentially devastating. The coriolis effect, which is a product of the earth's rotation is the reason that storms rotate and why a hurricane has a typical swirling formation. The rotation of the storm causes air to be drawn into the extreme low pressure at the centre (eye) of the storm. As the air rotates, the air ascends. The rising air is very moist, the higher the altitude, the colder the temperature, and so, it condenses forming clouds. Hurricanes aren't found within 0-5 degrees north and south of the equator ((300 miles (500 kilometers)) of the equator because the coriolis effect is at its weakest at this point, so the storm doesn't have enough spin, and there isn't enough force to maintain low pressure in the centre of the system. Meteorologists can predict hurricanes in two main ways : through the use of seasonal probabilities and tracking of hurricanes that are in existence at a current point of time using modelling techniques[9]. Annually, scientists work out how many storms are likely to develop into hurricanes/tropical storms and they also calculate how many are likely to make landfall. Using statistical techniques such as CLIPER[10], past data, and by sending aeroplanes into the centre of storms they can determine wind speeds, temperatures and can predict the intensity of a hurricane, and how many people it is likely to affect. Many scientists try and determine the paths of hurricanes, and it's a difficult duty because not all hurricanes have defined paths, however; the typical characteristics and properties of the weather and ocean in a specific area allow scientists to have a rough idea to which path a hurricane is likely to follow. If the path is predicted then warning and protection can be provided for those that could potentially be affected and this is the best way to prevent a social, economic and environmental disaster from happening. Hurricanes form in various areas depending on the various times of the hurricane season (Reading, 1990). Tracks can be predicted efficiently however, accuracy seems to be an issue in many cases. Models have become more accurate (NOAA,2004) and prediction techniques have improved (Aberson,2001), however there is still a large uncertainty and error is still an issue. It is easier to predict exactly where a hurricane is going to make landfall the closer to landfall the storm is. So the further the hurricane is away from land, the more error there is when trying to work out its path (NOAA,2004). This is mainly due to natural changes in the storms physical characteristics. It has been determined by NOAA, that, 5 days before landfall there is an average of 350 miles of error, and one day before landfall there is a 100 mile error, [11]which is a major problem because a difference of that mileage could determine whether or not whole cities or villages need to be evacuated or not, and if there is an error, it could be devastating.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Punishment And Crime Essay

â€Å"An eye for an eye†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The standards by which individuals and society subscribe to where being done wrong and seeking retribution, or in the general scope, where crime and punishment is concerned, can be summed up and approximated in the aforementioned line. Our view of justice, the resolution of a violation, and the prevention thereof doesn’t stray far from the said concept either. While other countries, particularly those in the middle eastern region, tolerate and employ the said ideology in the literal sense, mutilating the arms and limbs of people caught guilty of thievery, for instance. In the much more ‘civilized’ and ‘developed’ nation that is our country however, the instance of ‘Retribution,’ ‘Deterrence,’ ‘Rehabilitation,’ and ‘Societal Protection’ exists as corresponding forms of punishment to violations against humanity and against society’s prescribed laws. Its eff ectivity in terms of deterring crime, however, remains subjective.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The concept of retribution or retributive justice exists under the premise that people are, or should be dealt with a punishment which fits in proportion to their respective crimes. The concept of ‘merit’ and ‘desert’ are introduced as factors central to retributive justice (Maiese). The simplest explanation would be that if a person where to do ‘good’ and work hard, his or her actions will be met with an equal amount of goodness, or reward. Conversely, a person who commits to doing the opposite, who breaks laws and violates aspects of humanity, are to receive a form of punishment equal to what they have inflicted. Where the instance of ‘merit’ and ‘desert’ is concerned, justice is defined by dealing a person the corresponding reward or punishment which he or she deserves based on the instance of ‘good’ and ‘bad,’ ‘right’ and ‘wron g’ courses of action which a person chooses to pursue.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Punishment in retributive justice constitutes the previously quoted line in the introduction of this paper, albeit not as literally; which, in the context of almost every justice system, and to put it quite crudely, people are to be treated in the same manner by which they choose to treat other individuals. This much is evident in the amount of community service, jailtime, and other forms of punishment which an offender is obliged to fulfill depending on the gravity of the crimes or offenses he or she has committed. Crimes and offenses which may range from driving without a license to armed robbery, rape, and perhaps even murder, will determine whether the offender in question will receive a simple reprimand, a ticket or a fine, a day in a jail cell, or be committed to minimum or maximum security, and to the most grave of offenses, receive capital punishment or death penalty.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The theory of deterrence on the other hand, departs from the seeming reasonable sensibilities afforded by the concept of retribution and runs under the idea that if a corresponding consequence or punishment of a crime outweighs the possible benefit or significance of committing it, the person who intends to commit the said crime may be deterred from pursuing it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Deterrence turns to the instance of heavier consequences to criminal acts and offenses as opposed to punishments proportionate to actions which have been committed, as a more effective way of preventing individuals from committing crimes. The theory of deterrence runs under the premise and assumption that every individual is conscious of his or her actions, that people are consciously aware of what constitutes ‘good’ and ‘evil’ and that people’s action, be it of deviance or conformity, subscribing to rules or breaking it, results from free will. Under the said assumptions, people who are inclined to break the law or commit to similar acts of violations are aware of the consequence and gravity of the situation. Knowing that the corresponding consequences will have a greater negative impact than the deviance and offenses they may choose to commit will advise them to do otherwise. In the instance that people are blamed or convicted for crimes and offenses they did not commit, punishments would appear greater than they already are. For most people, this appears to be the most effective way of deterring crime, but it also appears to be the least humane and insensible where offenders are concerned.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   On the subject of relatively ‘humane’ methods of punishment, the concept of rehabilitation seems to effectively apply. A term which probably closesly identifies with drug abuse, excessive smoking, eating disorders, and other behavioral problems, the concept of rehabilitation applies to more than the said destructive behaviors and relates to a type of punishment which confines an individual to a place where he or she is unable to repeat offenses and untolerated acts which he or she has previously committed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Rehabilitation turns to a less immediate and much lengthier process of ‘punishing’ the criminal or offender in question. ‘Doing time’ in prison cells and rehabilitation centers may appear the most tame and seemingly weak or ineffective forms of punishment, but the reality of incarceration, of being put away and shut out from the rest of society, and rotting away in a period of time which appear to span indefinitely, bears it own share of torment.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The said form of punishment has the capacity to affect the offender in question on a psychological level, as he or she is forced to contemplate the nature of his or her actions and its consequences in the course of the said person’s confinement and rehabilitation, at the end of which the individual in question is released and deemed fit to continue his or her life and start anew. Crimes are supposed to be deterred by keeping people away from society at large, who may choose to repeat the said crimes or influence others from doing the same.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Societal Protection concerns itself with the rights and needs of the society as a whole, as opposed to individuals which comprise it, and turning to forms of punishment such as the previously mentioned rehabilitation, among others, as a means of protecting and preserving roles, function, structures, and procesess within society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ultimately, society and individuals within it do what they can to ensure security, peace and stability from ensuing and taking hold. Not every form of punishment that has been discussed can be deemed rational and effective in every aspect, and they can vary in meaning and translation from one individual to the next. But as far as opinions apply, it exists as the least of surprises how certain forms of evil can’t be countered and put off by other forms of evil. Retribution will not solve people and society’s problems, and forms of punishment, however necessary, unfortunately only reflect society’s capacity to inflict pain and suffering to people who may or may not truly deserve them. References   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Keel, Robert. â€Å"Rational Choice and Deterrence Theory.† 14 July 2005. Retrieved 18 January 2008 from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Maiese, Michelle. â€Å"Types of Justice.† July 2003. Retrieved 18 January 2008 from     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Maiese, Michelle. â€Å"Retributive Justice.† May 2004. Retrieved 18 January 2008 from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Summerfield, Morgan. â€Å"Evolution of Deterrence Crime Theory.† 18 May 2006.   Retrieved   Ã‚   18 January 2008 from  Ã‚

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Adventures in American Literature Essays

Adventures in American Literature Essays Adventures in American Literature Essay Adventures in American Literature Essay Essay Topic: Letters From an american Farmer In Letters from an American Farmer, Occurred describes why European immigrants were glad to leave Europe for America. In Europe, they were treated like they were worthless. The European immigrants were starved, they didnt get food. Crops started to fail causing a shortage of grains, therefore raising the price of bread. They Europeans were treated horribly; they were thrown into jail for reasons unknown. They didnt even own one foot of land. Europeans were glad to leave Europe; I know I wouldve been. B. As a result of how they were being treated In Europe, the European Immigrants decided their lives would be better off If the resided In America. They were right. They lived In America under a new set of laws; the laws were fairer than those In Europe. When they began living in America, they became men. In America, they were ranked as citizens. However, in Europe they werent numbered in any civil lists. They were treated like real human beings when they arrived in America. 2. A. Personification is the device of treating nature, ideas, or inanimate objects as if hey were human beings. In the poem, Whitley uses personification in a very unique way. She represents America as a goddess named Columbia. Whitley gives Columbia golden hair In the poem. The speaker of the poem points out that other countries are watching something unique occurring In the uprising. The poem states While freedoms cause her anxious breast alarms. The excerpt shows the author personifying Columbia as anxious. After this poem, many authors started referring to America as Columbia. B. In war His Excellency General Washington, Phillips Whitley describes Columbians feelings towards England. Columbia is depicted in righteous terms for standing up against England. The poem states tells how the colonies were no longer subject to the rule of England. The theme of this poem is freedoms cause. The poem is about Americas struggle for freedom from England. Whitley praises General Washington for freeing America from England, and his efforts as General. She anticipates the future for the new republic. BY tit-netting Attainder And They Europeans were treated horribly; they were thrown into Jail for reasons known. They didnt even own one foot of land. Europeans were glad to leave B. As a result of how they were being treated in Europe, the European immigrants decided their lives would be better off if the resided in America. They were right. They lived in America under a new set of laws; the laws were fairer than those in Columbia golden hair in the poem. The speaker of the poem points out that other countries are watching something unique occurring in the uprising. The poem states B. In To His Excellency General Washington, Phillips Whitley describes

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Presentation On The Changing Political Causes Of The French Revolution.

Presentation On The Changing Political Causes Of The French Revolution. Class struggles in Britain in the 1960’s and 70’s led to greater divisions amongst the people. Because of the ideological desire for something to benefit the people amid increasing social chaos, socialism looked attractive and many Marxist ideas gained popularity and support. This struggle was echoed throughout much of the world. The French Revolution was perceived as a great success for democracy. Its three key aims of liberty, equality and fraternity became desirable objectives. In the late 1960’s, the concept of moral decline in society was introduced by the right to explain crumbling traditional values. For example by 1968, students in France were rioting. This period of minor revolt was echoed throughout the world. All sides recognised that changes urgently needed to be made. The law and order element of politics made its first appearance, aimed at targets of a non political kind, including, student movements, counter cultures, the drift towards moral permissiveness, and the conflict between authority and social values. Many, Marxists amongst the great masses became detached from their nations traditional ideologies. Their growing power caused a cry to come from below for the restoration of the old order, for discipline and moral regulation. Social formation reached the worst crisis point for two decades – some would argue, nearly a century. The conservatives in the 70’s tried to renovate the social formation of a society fraught with class battles. Heath attempted to achieve this by employing the twin instruments of the economic free for all and legal compulsion. It ended in ruins, brought to a conclusion of widening and defensive class militancy. The long-term crisis of the British economy coincided with a world recession; the oil crisis put paid to any ideas of regeneration in economic conditions. Militant action and increased wage... Free Essays on Presentation On The Changing Political Causes Of The French Revolution. Free Essays on Presentation On The Changing Political Causes Of The French Revolution. Presentation On The Changing Political Causes Of The French Revolution. Class struggles in Britain in the 1960’s and 70’s led to greater divisions amongst the people. Because of the ideological desire for something to benefit the people amid increasing social chaos, socialism looked attractive and many Marxist ideas gained popularity and support. This struggle was echoed throughout much of the world. The French Revolution was perceived as a great success for democracy. Its three key aims of liberty, equality and fraternity became desirable objectives. In the late 1960’s, the concept of moral decline in society was introduced by the right to explain crumbling traditional values. For example by 1968, students in France were rioting. This period of minor revolt was echoed throughout the world. All sides recognised that changes urgently needed to be made. The law and order element of politics made its first appearance, aimed at targets of a non political kind, including, student movements, counter cultures, the drift towards moral permissiveness, and the conflict between authority and social values. Many, Marxists amongst the great masses became detached from their nations traditional ideologies. Their growing power caused a cry to come from below for the restoration of the old order, for discipline and moral regulation. Social formation reached the worst crisis point for two decades – some would argue, nearly a century. The conservatives in the 70’s tried to renovate the social formation of a society fraught with class battles. Heath attempted to achieve this by employing the twin instruments of the economic free for all and legal compulsion. It ended in ruins, brought to a conclusion of widening and defensive class militancy. The long-term crisis of the British economy coincided with a world recession; the oil crisis put paid to any ideas of regeneration in economic conditions. Militant action and increased wage...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Fantasy Christmas Shopping Lesson Plan

Fantasy Christmas Shopping Lesson Plan Christmas shopping is fun for both the shopper and the recipient. When the Sunday papers begin to show up on Thanksgiving, your students are eagerly looking at the advertising section in the middle. Why not create a Make Believe shopping activity that will harness your students Christmas enthusiasm and turn it into independent problem solving academic behavior? This lesson plan features a project that provides project-based learning. Lesson Plan Title: A Fantasy Christmas Shopping Spree. Student Level Grades 4 through 12, depending on students ability. Objectives Students will choose items for family members within a prescribed budget.Students will assemble choices on a T Chart with a full accounting of money spent, including sales tax.Students will share their Shopping Fantasy with peers. This plan involves both Math and English Language Arts Standards. Math Math Operations and Algebraic 4.OA.3. Solve multi-step word problems posed with whole numbers and having whole-number answers using the four operations, including problems in which remainders must be interpreted. Represent these problems using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity. Assess the reasonableness of answers using mental computation and estimation strategies including rounding. English Language Arts RI (Reading Informational Text) 4.7. Interpret information presented visually, orally, or quantitatively (e.g., in charts, graphs, diagrams, time lines, animations, or interactive elements on Web pages) and explain how the information contributes to an understanding of the text in which it appears. W (Writing). 4.4. Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. Time Three 30 minute periods (in a 50 minute period, use 15 minutes for warm-up and the last 5 minutes for wrap up and closure.) Materials Shopping inserts from your local Sunday Newspapers.The T Chart that lays out the project.Planning sheets for each family member.Scissors, glue and writing utensils.A Rubric for the project.12 X 18 Construction paper for folders, scrap construction paper, and other art supplies. Procedure: Day One Anticipatory Set Pair and Share: have students partner with someone and share what is on their Christmas wish list. Report out.Present and review the T-chart and the Rubric. Students need to know that they must stay within the budget (created by taking the number of family members and multiplying it by $50.)Planning: Have each student  take as many pages as they have members of their family. Sometimes its a good idea to put them (your students) into the mix: it motivates them. I have found the enthusiasm that they have for choosing things for their families is enough: for students on the autism spectrum, I would recommend a page for each student as well. The planning page guides them through a brainstorming activity: what sort of things would your mother, sister, brother like? That will help focus their shopping spree.Let students loose with the advertisers: task them with choosing something for each member of their family, cut the item out and put it in the business envelope.Check in five minutes before the bell:Ask Individual children to share their choices: Who did you shop for? How much have you spent so far?Review estimation: About how much did you spend? Round to the nearest dollar or to the nearest 10. Model on the board.Review tasks: what has been completed and what you will do the next day. Day Two Review: Take the time to check in: What have you finished? Who has already found all their items? Remind them that they have to stay within the budget, including tax (if your students understand multiplication and percents. Dont include sales tax for students who are still only adding and subtracting. Modify this to your students abilities. You are special educators, remember?)Give time to students to continue their work: you may want to check in with students who need extra support to be sure they are not getting waylaid.Check in before dismissal to check progress. State when the end date will be: Tomorrow, or will you provide time and materials at the end of each period? You might easily spread this activity over the balance of a week. Final Day Presentations: give your students an opportunity to present their final projects. You might want to mount them a bulletin board and give students a pointer.Presentations should include who is in their family, what each one wants.Provide lots of feedback, especially praise. This is a good time to teach students to learn to give feedback, as well, though focus on positive feedback only.Return the rubric with a grade and notes. Evaluation and Follow-Up Follow up is about being sure that your students have learned something from the process: Did they follow all the directions? Did they figure the tax correctly? Students grades are based on the rubric.  If you have differentiated your use of them, many students who have never gotten an A will get an A on this project. I remember the incredible excitement my students in Philadelphia experienced to get that first A. They worked hard and deserved them.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Lessons From Lafarge Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Lessons From Lafarge - Essay Example Objectives of ISO 14001:2004 The internal objectives of the ISO 14001:2004 are provide assurance to management for controlling organizational processes and activities having an impact on the environment, and to assure the employees that they are working in an environmentally responsible organization. The external objectives are assuring external stakeholders like customers, community and regulatory agencies about the environmental issues, conforming to the environmental regulations. Other objectives include supporting the organization’s claims and interactions about its environmental rules, strategies and proceedings. A structure for representing compliance by means of suppliers’ statement of conformity has also been an object (ISO 2012). Environmental Performance Measurement The first generation of environment performance evaluation (EPE) comprised companies with reactive environmental policies. The focus was on the risk management and dealing with environment related costs. The available environmental performance data was used for internal purpose (Bennett et al. 1999, p.84). The second generation environment performance evaluation is marked by the inclusion of stakeholder management in the framework. Companies moving to this phase focus on site reporting. This phase is also influenced by the total quality management. This requires more detailed data. The second generation focused on resource productivity with waste minimization (Bennett et al. 1999, pp.84-86). The proposed ISO 14031 can be modeled in the shape of diamond. There are three important facets of environment performance evaluation. The first facet reflects bulk of measurable activities dealing with energy, materials, emissions and wastes. The second facet is a west-east axis which is mainly the product chain that includes the environmental impacts of the supplier. The diamond’s north south activities have two objectives. The first one is to assess the direct environmental impa cts associated with the sustainability of the organization’s activities. The other is to assess the business side of the environmental actions (Bennett et al. 1999, pp.87-90). In 2011, Lafarge remained in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI). The group scored high in the environmental reporting, climate strategy, biodiversity and stakeholder commitment. This is evaluated by Sustainability Asset Management for the DJSI (Lafarge, 2012). Ernst & Young examined the Group's social and environmental indicators and certified its practices (Lafarge, 2012). Corporate Environmental Strategies Managers should consider company’s position with respect to both market and nonmarket factors while deciding on an environmental strategy. Market strategy uses environmental issues for creating a competitive advantage for the company. This is achieved through cost savings and increased profits. Nonmarket strategy focuses on the interactions with stakeholders like, regulators, local com munities, and environmental interest groups. These strategies consider creating value by improving overall performance and image. Nonmarket strategies may present competitive advantages by recognizing new opportunities created by regulation or public sentiment (Maxwell, J. et al. , 1997, pp.118-119). The proactive companies’ managers recognized a number of competitive advantages arising from their environmental response. The reactive companies were not able to relate their corporate environmental awareness strategies

Castle Bingo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 4

Castle Bingo - Essay Example The concern is on the two types of the customer that is off line based on attending clubs and on line gamers based on internet and their web sites. The findings from the research are that Castle Bingo online web site concentrates on the information based on the club information. The current location for the main club is favored mostly especially on the by the focusing groups but their experience is expected towards the current location of the sites for the new facilities. The main concern is that the offline and online castle leisure is to focus on the effective marketing research program. Clearly, there is a feeling of the focus group members that the current contract of leisure in problem. This is perceived from the work against all the sports for all the members and the promotion including the management which is mostly concerned with the targeting group. Improving the quality of the on going centers in better location would encourage the current users on the improvement on effective marketing programs though these issues would be addressed in the management teams. Most of the people urge that the council should use its funding including the tax from the councils to provide sports and other services in order to make the marketing research effective and efficiency. The decisions of the managers in Castle Bingo are based on the benefits of the company as a whole but not on the side of the individuals. Castle leisure researches interviewed a representative samples targeting 1000 people from the city using an agreed questionnaire. The studies were concerned with 10 locations for researcher where by the sample sizes were formulated: The following analysis reefers to the total sample of 1020 including the sub groups of the sample based on the location of the interview, age and sex. This usually means that concern is on the basis of justifying the analysis of at least 50 though the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Human Rights at Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Iran, and Iraq Term Paper

Human Rights at Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Iran, and Iraq - Term Paper Example If we have a look at the developing countries like India and China from the region, the problem of human rights was really very severe some time back, but, with the influence of education and westernization of these huge economies, some of the problems have really been resolved. If we have a look at some other nations like Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, etc. the problem is still very acute in these countries. We will take some of the key points that are cardinal to the principle of human rights. The manufacturing sector in most of the countries in Asia has always been accused of inhumane practices in the field. People have blamed that the labors in these nations have to work more than 12 hours a day and seven days a week for wages not even good to earn two meals a day for them, leave alone their families. The government has been a total failure in implementing the minimum wages in most of the Asian countries. Because of the excess population, the supply of manpower in countries like India and China is much more than its demand and the low skilled workers, therefore, have to survive for their entire life in utmost penury and destitution. No wonder that South India reports the highest number of suicide cases in the entire world, as per the report by the British Journal 'Lancet' in 2004. The total number of suicide cases reported in 2002, just in India was a massive figure of 154,000. To add to this, Child labor, although is punishable in most of the countries in Asia, includin g India and China, but it is not hard to find them working in industries, hotels, resorts, and recreational centers. Such labors are available at a very cheap rate and work for extra hours. Child labor, while working, does not go for any education and all such uneducated children, in turn, produce a score of babies who also remain uneducated after starting to work at an early age. This number, therefore, keeps on growing exponentially and is, therefore, a grave problem for the government of these developing economies of China and India.     Ã‚  

Accessibility, what it means and why is it important when designing a Essay

Accessibility, what it means and why is it important when designing a website - Essay Example It is necessary to keep in mind the importance of accessibility in designing a website. As much as web designers hope to make their website as creative as possible, their main goal should be to make it serve its purpose and function. Designers’ imagination and creativity are challenged with accessibility’s limiting factor (Tarn, â€Å"Making the Digital†). While the use of Web is no longer limited to the basic operations such as entertainment and basic browsing, it already requires advanced features that make it useful for people to interact to each other on various purposes such as a mere communication, wellness, education, financial transaction, and entertainment (Burks 7). Significant advantages are identified when accessibility is taken in consideration in website design. They are beneficial for the owners of the website as well as its designers as they would not only comply with the Web Accessibility Initiative and the Disability Discriminations Act 1995, bu t it also increases their credibility as owners and website designers. Apart from this, the number of users who visit the website also increases such that it caters to users with or without disability. Websites with good accessibility are also known to have increased search engine optimization (Sabasaje, â€Å"Web Design†; Gibbins, â€Å"The Growing Importance†; â€Å"The Importance of Web Accessibility†). Keeping this in mind, web designers should understand that flexibility is necessary in such a way that it would allow different kinds of users to access the website as well as the information that they need from it (Burks

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Report on HR Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Report on HR - Essay Example Effective human resource management would encourage team playing and would enhance collective performance in the organisation along with accentuating the individual performances. In case of performance management, a sound human resources policy would allow individuals to grow along with the growth of the organisation. This would entail involvement of the people in the work that they are assigned and autonomy in the context of the work done. There are several aspects of human resources which have a positive impact on the employees and help them to perform better in the organisation. The HRM can assign challenging and mentally stimulating jobs to the employees so that the employees find diversity and interest in the work that they do. The human resources managers often take several indicators which show that the organisational performance is increasing. Thus they try to make improvement in these indicators to bring an improvement in the overall organisational performance. In case of Wa l-Mart for example, the performance of each of the retail outlets is estimated by the HR department of Wal-Mart by analysing the length of the queues in the billing counters, the level of stocks that lie on the shelves and the stocks that are remaining at the end of the day. These are the key indicators that provide the HR department an idea about the areas where the performance can be improved to generate greater profits. (Harter, Schmitdt and Hayes, 2002, pp. 268-279). The managers in Wal-Mart act as the immediate superiors of the lowest level and junior level employees. Therefore it is important for the managers to encourage the employees to perform better in the daily activities of the retail store. The employees on the other hand should have respect for the managers and should be motivated by them for the achievement of any target that they need to meet. The human resource policies of Wal-Mart are progressive in nature in the sense that the implementation of the HR policies sho uld be done with efficiency and the goals that the line managers set for the employees have to be in accordance with the organisational policies. Thus it is essential for the managers to have leadership skills which would drive a positive energy in the entire organisation culture. Mutual respect should flow bilaterally for the line managers and the junior employees. The relations of the employees with the organisation and its various elements are some of the major benchmarks of the organisational effectiveness. The Human Resource Departments of the organisations generally engage the employee into participation programmes

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Emissions Permit System Essay - 1

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Emissions Permit System - Essay Example A broad spectrum of concerned individuals and corporations are in agreement over one basic fact: a price-tagged emission of global-warming greenhouse gases is an idea whose time is ripe. Whether not available for now, legal, binding pricing mechanism on the use of traditional fossil fuels seems all but inevitable in the 21st century. Nevertheless, pricing carbon emissions remain in dispute among policymakers and academics voicing backing to the old command controls. Evidently, nations only possess limited experience with the cap-and-trade system in controlling greenhouse emissions. This paper endeavors to highlight the intrinsic worth and costs of implementing a cap and trade policy in pollution abatement. Emission trading permits with a pricing scheme on carbon usually strives to achieve two interrelated but beneficial ends: discouraging— with increasingly inhibitive economic costs — the use of traditional sources of energy such as oil, natural gas and coal, to inspire the development of innovative renewable sources of energy that are less costly to the environment (Wills, 2006). Cap-and-trade policy instruments place progressive harsher limits on the usage of fossil fuels by conditioning pollution limits from industrial power plants among other major emitters of greenhouse gases through licensing. Extra emissions above the prescribed limits are surcharged prohibitively. In contrast to the traditionally regulatory command models that were rather rigid with regards to the requirements specified outcomes irrespective of the costs incurred, the prohibitive costs in cap and trade systems provide the needed incentives to either shift to the best alternative sources or to make more than necessary steps for compliance.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Report on HR Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Report on HR - Essay Example Effective human resource management would encourage team playing and would enhance collective performance in the organisation along with accentuating the individual performances. In case of performance management, a sound human resources policy would allow individuals to grow along with the growth of the organisation. This would entail involvement of the people in the work that they are assigned and autonomy in the context of the work done. There are several aspects of human resources which have a positive impact on the employees and help them to perform better in the organisation. The HRM can assign challenging and mentally stimulating jobs to the employees so that the employees find diversity and interest in the work that they do. The human resources managers often take several indicators which show that the organisational performance is increasing. Thus they try to make improvement in these indicators to bring an improvement in the overall organisational performance. In case of Wa l-Mart for example, the performance of each of the retail outlets is estimated by the HR department of Wal-Mart by analysing the length of the queues in the billing counters, the level of stocks that lie on the shelves and the stocks that are remaining at the end of the day. These are the key indicators that provide the HR department an idea about the areas where the performance can be improved to generate greater profits. (Harter, Schmitdt and Hayes, 2002, pp. 268-279). The managers in Wal-Mart act as the immediate superiors of the lowest level and junior level employees. Therefore it is important for the managers to encourage the employees to perform better in the daily activities of the retail store. The employees on the other hand should have respect for the managers and should be motivated by them for the achievement of any target that they need to meet. The human resource policies of Wal-Mart are progressive in nature in the sense that the implementation of the HR policies sho uld be done with efficiency and the goals that the line managers set for the employees have to be in accordance with the organisational policies. Thus it is essential for the managers to have leadership skills which would drive a positive energy in the entire organisation culture. Mutual respect should flow bilaterally for the line managers and the junior employees. The relations of the employees with the organisation and its various elements are some of the major benchmarks of the organisational effectiveness. The Human Resource Departments of the organisations generally engage the employee into participation programmes

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Art of Negotiation - Ethical or unethical behavior Assignment

The Art of Negotiation - Ethical or unethical behavior - Assignment Example However, environmental factors including government laws, religion, and the entire community influence ethical behaviors (Ugwu, 2011). The inherent factors present differences in knowledge, believes, and values that makes it extremely impossible to define ethical and unethical behavior. The difficulties experienced in pinpointing unethical or ethical behaviors with business community directly relates to determination of fairness. Every organization has a culture that defines their fairness standards based on individual variables, influential external factors, and established practices (Tugend, 2012). Consequently, determination of fairness remains inherently difficult mainly due to the aforementioned difference in believes and values based on experiences or cultures. In determining whether a behavior is ethical, a negotiator must ensure fairness for both parties. Fairness acts as the most amicably strategy in determining ethicality of a behavior. Besides, a negotiator should ensure that contrary cultures, believes, values, and practices remains neutralized to kelp establish a common moral ground. The negotiator’s determination should remain acceptable and in the best interest of the entire society. Tugend, Alina .( September 21, 2012). Doing the Right Thing, Whatever That Is. The New York Times. Web. January 26, 2014. Retrieved from

Monday, October 14, 2019

Lessons in Pragmatism Essay Example for Free

Lessons in Pragmatism Essay Having been a Para Educator since 1994, serving both Special Education as well as General education children, I have had countless opportunities to observe incredible teachers in action. In fact, one of my most vital responsibilities is to collect observational data on various special education students and their IEP goals. This allows the teacher to generate reports of student progress and to help in modifying goals and objectives as needed. It is unfortunate that the writing of this paper falls during the summer months making it impossible to conduct a formal observation of a specific lesson plan in real time. Therefore, the focus of this presentation shall be a lesson plan which was located in the database of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, an organization dedicated to providing enriching, meaningful mathematics curriculum while ensuring availability for all students. This particular lesson plan is a multi-dimensional lesson, or a better an investigation, written by Laurie St. Julien (2008) and printed in the publication Teaching Children Mathematics. It has been generated toward third graders as a means to â€Å"pose their own mathematical questions from real data† (St. Julien, 2008, pg. 506) Before performing any critique of a lesson plan, it is first helpful to identify the basic philosophies that provide its foundation. In a course structured around empowerment through group dynamics conducted by Brunson and Vogt (1996), the results correlated with the theology that â€Å"an empowering educational philosophy promotes trust, collaborative learning and tolerance for ambiguity†. (Brunson Vogt, 1996, pg. 73) Pragmatism is a philosophy that centers not on the simple passing of knowledge from teacher to student, but around the teacher and student acting as co-learners in the educational process. Stallones, 2011) Pragmatic teachers believe that in order for children to flourish, they must be provided with opportunities to create their own knowledge through experience with the real world in a social context. This Pragmatic theology can be traced back to philosopher John Dewey (1859 – 1952). He saw education as the process of reconstructing knowledge through experiencing the real world; seeing Philosophy as a discipline that required constant change, paradoxically requiring the same reconstruction in education. Neubert, 2009) Following this school of thought, students are guided to generate their own questions, and to use scientific means to come to their own conclusions. This seems to go in tandem with the 7000 Pancakes lesson plan, centered on the theme of the incredible weekend output of the busiest International House of Pancakes in the country. This is quite pragmatic in that it clearly relates to a real world construct familiar to most children, as well as the fact that this particular pancake house just happens to sit next to Disneyland. The students have not been asked to arrive at a singular conclusion, but rather to hypothesize and test their theories, problem solve solutions to and adjust their assertions. This is done in a systematic way over more than one period. (St. Julien, 2008) They are also asked to generate and share their own small group generated questions, This allows for the development of scientific analysis and critical thought, particularly when coupled with the opportunity to scientifically attempt to answer each other’s questions through experience. In addition, Pragmatism favors the merger of various disciplines, in this case the blending of mathematics and science. The lesson plan includes an element that focuses on the eggs that are needed to create various numbers of pancakes in various time increments; however it also questions the properties of the egg and how they change when prepared differently embodying a scientific component to the lesson. This is accompanied by hands on demonstration of all of the aforementioned components, even culminating in a pancake breakfast! St. Julien, 2008) The real world connection in every aspect of this lesson, and the scaffolded guidance required by the teacher to implement it effectively, shows the true pragmatic nature of the lesson and its creator. The strengths of the lesson in question are numerous. The social requirements within the various groups and in the numerous opportunities for open discussion provided a psychosocial aspect to this lesson. These social skills are vital in every aspect of adult life, beyond the practicalities of mathematics. This is support by Siegel (1995) in her assertion that â€Å"learning is a social process in which learners actively construct their understandings†. (Smith, 1995, pg. 407) By using the real world construct of the familiar pancake house, and the visual aids that the lesson facilitates the students in developing a vested interest in investigating the questions that naturally arise through scientific analysis. The hypothesis and analysis process that resulted were well established and right on target for the inquisitive mind of a third grader. Allowing them to tactilely handle the different components of the pancakes allowed them to commit the information to memory in meaningful ways, allowing them to apply this new knowledge to other situations. The scientific component is also a major strength, however I believe yet another discipline could have been added to this lesson; I would also ask them to keep a scientific journal chronicling the experience as well as write a short reflective essay at the end to tie in the language aspect as well. To find any other fault with the lesson plan in question or to better it would prove to be extremely difficult.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Balancing A Career and A Family Essay -- Parenting Working Family Essa

Balancing A Career and A Family Abstract Regardless of where they are in their careers, working mothers have a tough time achieving balance between work and family. Generally, women take on or are given more responsibility for their homes than are men, leading to frustration and exhaustion. In this paper we will address some of the issues involved in balancing career and family. This paper will provide some solutions for the most common problems arising from todays busy schedules, and provide some insight on how to make the most of your time. The Scales of Life Working all day and then coming home to a young child can be difficult, at best. After putting all one’s energy into doing his/her job well -- answering to a boss's, co-workers', clients', and/or employees' demands. The last thing a parent may feel like doing is answering to their child's. However, these thoughts just make people feel guilty. These and other problems are more common in today’s households than society may realize. The stresses people face in the workplace today are far more demanding than they were during their parents careers. Today’s workforce is made up of just as many women as men, and in many cases, both parents have careers which leaves little in the way of quality time for children, and/or social time for adults. This essay will explore some solutions that others have used to change their lives, and careers for the better. One of the most common reasons for high levels of stress in families today, is caused by dissatisfaction and/or tension in the workplace. People have often heard the addage â€Å"Leave your Job at the Office†, but how many are capable of just turning things off, when they leave for the day? Not many, and becau... ...ven many the freedom from debt that allowed them to return to school or pursue a new, sometimes lower paying, yet less stressful occupation. Financial counseling is another alternative that has helped many to understand the nature of their debts, and gain control of them so that lower wages or new careers became a possibility. These and many other stress alternatives are available to most everyone, but it’s up to each individual to make a conscience decision to improve their lives, only then can they start down that road into the unknown; which for most, has been a very liberating journey. References 1. The Career Journal (2001). Stress in the Workplace: The Silent Danger. Career Journal. Retrieved February 1, 2001. From 2. Oldenburg, Ray (1989). The Problem of Place in America Pub Group West.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Sappho And St. Teresa De Avila :: essays research papers

Day by day women are faced with obstacles simply because of gender. In the plays we have read women are faced with obstacles but overcome them. Women in the past were expected to be submissive and not object to the men’s decisions. The world today has changed its face. No longer are women quiet. Sappho and her work is a good example in our readings to represent today’s day and time. Her poems seem contemporary, very modern. The Descent of Inanna ,on the other hand, is a prime example of works we’ve read that represent the past much more.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I strongly believe that each generation is a product of the previous generation, and during the Ancient World, women were not expected to write. They were submissive and their religious superior had the final say. Sappho broke these rules and went against the odds. She wrote and produced wonderful work that everyone can relate to during any time period. Although religious leaders successfully destroyed a great amount of her work, the few parts and pieces that survived still describe things of today in such short lines and phrases. “At noontime'; is a good example of this. It describes the sun and its’ heat and the cricket which till today “sets up a high-pitched singing in his wings.'; “If you will come'; is another example. “At noontime'; is simple to say it relates to today’s world, the sun will always be hot the cricket will always live, but the customs and traditions of people do and Sappho still describes customs from her t ime that live today. “If you will come'; tells of things that generally a person would do for visitors. It says, “ If you will come I shall put out new pillows for you to rest on.'; In just these few lines so much is said. This can be taken as literally taking our new pillows for a visitor to sleep on and rest after a long drive to your home. It may also mean that the host is making the visitor feel at home by welcoming him with open arms. Nevertheless, this poem describes customs that a person would do now. For these reasons Sappho’s works are the most modern in our readings.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Descent of Inanna is quite the opposite of Sappho. It describes Inanna going into the “underworld'; a place that we do not relate to as easily as a worldly location.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Old Chinese Gender Selection Method Health And Social Care Essay

Methods: This was a longitudinal descriptive survey. Pregnant adult females ( Civilian non entitled ) holding full term gestation labeled bringing instances and admitted in officer ‘s household ward of Pakistan Navy Ship Shifa infirmary Karachi Pakistan from 31 March 2010 to 11 June 2010 were included in the survey. Consequences: Entire topics observed in the survey were 100.The average age of the adult females was 27.44 old ages with standard divergence of 4.35. Out of 100 delivered babes 42 were misss and 58 were male childs and 50 % .were right predicted with misss. sensitiveness of 45.23 % and specificity of 53.44 % . and sensitiveness of 53.44 % and specificity of 45.23 % .The positive predicted values calculated for foretelling boys baby was 57.40 % and for miss babies 41.30 severally. Decision: This survey remained focused on cognizing its truth after construct and revealed same consequence of truth of 50 % as with chance of tossing a coin but it did happen better sensitiveness for foretelling male as compared to female. Bing non invasive, this trial can give better and new consequences if practiced under the supervising of a confer withing household doctor particularly on good educated pregnant adult females. Cardinal Wordss: Mother ‘s age, Last catamenial Period, Month of Conception, sex anticipation, Sex planning, Chinese Method. —IntroductionThe ultimate purpose of every married adult female remains to be a female parent. Marital life starts with guess and planning of kids, their Numberss and sex. Fertility, which refers to holding construct or existent kid bearing, becomes the foremost desire. Gender of the pick is a natural desire of a adult female. However on first gestation this desire remains hibernating in the supplications. During initial phases of gestation suspense remain in cognizing the sex of an unborn babe. Assorted scientific methods are available for the anticipation of the sex of the foetus. These include Chorionic villus sampling ( CVS ) , amniocentesis and ultrasound. Other methods used to foretell the sex of foetus after construct are Old married womans narratives, foetal bosom rate trial, draino trial and Chinese lunar calendar ( CLC ) method etc. The most popular method is extremist sound which is best done between 18 and 26 hebdomads of gestation but its truth depends upon several factors: babe ‘s cooperation, gestational age, technician ‘s ability, etc ( 1 ) . Once the twosome have the babe of either sex and wants to hold the babe of their ain pick, they go for gender choice or planning of methods which provide counsel for following steps before construct. There is a broad prevailing tendency among pregnant adult females of developing states of holding a penchant for male child babes. In states like China, India, and Korea socio-cultural environments do be which contribute to boy kid prejudice in attitude and action ( 2 ) . A societal study on gender penchants prepossession sex choice among pregnant adult females in Karachi, Pakistan revealed that 27.6 % Pakistani adult females do demo a statistically important penchant for male childs over misss ( 3 ) , In Egypt a survey found 1.4 overall boy penchant index ( 4 ) Among the United States general population harmonizing to a cross-sectional web-based study, 39 % of respondents liked their first kid to be a boy, and 19 % liked their first kid to be a girl ( 5 ) .However on big graduated table, prepossession sex choice for non medical grounds raises of import lesson, legal, and societal issues and it can take to a socially riotous instability of the sexes. The methods which provide the option of planning of sex of the babe before construct include the Shettles method and Chinese lunar calendar method. Shettles method named for Dr. Landrum Shettles, based on timing of sexual intercourse in relation to ovulation, sexual place and adult females orgasm ( 6 ) . The Chinese lunar calendar chart ( Table – 1 ) has the advantage of utilizing it for planning of sex of the babe before construct and foretelling the sex even after construct. Harmonizing to fable, the Chinese birth gender chart is based on statistics taken from adult females inside the out metropolis during the China dynasty. This chart was discovered by a Chinese scientist around 700 old ages ago buried in a royal grave. Original transcript of the chart is now placed in the institute of scientific discipline of Beijing China. Accuracy of this chart is claiming to be 99 % and is based on female parent ‘s age and month of construct which are converted into their lunar eq uivalents ( 7 ) . Globally really few surveies have been conducted on this method but in Pakistan no such record were found. The purpose of this survey was to prove the truth and prognostic value of Chinese calendar method in a sample of pregnant adult females admitted for hospital bringing at PNS Shifa Hospital Karachi.SUBJECT AND METHODSThis was a longitudinal descriptive survey in which truth of the Chinese method of foretelling sex of unborn babe was noted in the conceived adult females. Pregnant adult females holding full term gestation labeled bringing instances and admitted in officer ‘s household ward of Pakistan Navy Ship Shifa infirmary from 31 March 2010 to 11 June 2010 were included in the survey. Civilian non entitled ( CNE ) class of the adult females was included as compared to services forces households sing their better socio economic conditions, instruction and better place of remembering the day of the month of last catamenial period ( LMP ) . Inclusion Standards: All CNE pregnant adult females 15 -45 old ages of age holding singleton gestation. Exclusion Standards: All pregnant adult females belonging to Pakistan Armed Forces. All CNE pregnant adult females & A ; lt ; 15 old ages and & A ; gt ; 45 old ages age and holding multiple and premature bringings. A Performa was drafted to observe indispensable bio informations of topics including name, age, day of the month of last catamenial period, expected day of the month of bringing ( EDD ) , existent day of the month of bringing, sex of delivered babe and observed truth of the trial. The month of LMP was correlated with the age of each pregnant adult females and anticipation of gender was done against each severally. This consequence was tested on the twenty-four hours of bringing of the babe and truth of the trial was compared.ConsequenceEntire topics observed in the survey were 100.The average age of the adult females was 27.44 old ages with standard divergence of 4.35. Minimal age was 18 and maximal age was 38 ( Figure -1 ) . The average gestational age was 36 hebdomads. Out of 100 delivered babes 42 were misss and 58 were male childs. Among 42 miss babes 19 were right predicted, hence the method holding a sensitiveness of 45.23 % and specificity of 53.44 % . Out of 58 male childs ba bes 31 right predicted with a sensitiveness of 53.44 % and specificity of 45.23 % ( Figure – 2 ) . .The positive predicted values calculated for foretelling male childs was 57.40 % and for misss 41.30 severally.DiscussionFamily / Community physicians like accoucheurs while covering with a pregnant lady normally encountered the inquiry about anticipation of sex of foetus. The concerns of twosome remain on top peculiarly when they already had series of kids of either sex particularly misss. In an eastern developing state like Pakistan where there is a male-dominancy and broad prevalent female illiteracy led to penchants for male child babe. Here even the life of adult females may stay on interest because of the menaces by hubby / female parent in jurisprudence or due to seeking an illegal abortion. The Chinese lunar calendar method is a non -invasive cheap method to foretell the sex of the foetus. With simple counsel and follow up by household doctor it is possible to acquire coveted consequences. Our survey being the experimental survey remained focused on acquiring the information pertaining to age, last catamenial period ( LMP ) day of the month, full term period of gestation and consequence of the bringing. Although CLC method holding no information on the principle or biological footing, we were funny in cognizing the consequences in Pakistani adult females. In our survey truth found was 50 per centum.Same consequences were obtained by two other international surveies ( 8, 9 ) .However in our survey trial sensitiveness was higher for male childs babies ( 53.44 % ) as compared to girl babies ( 45.23 % ) and therefore the positive predictive values for male baby was high ( 57.40 % ) Versus female babies ( 41.30 % ) .DecisionThe Chinese lunar calendar method offers two manner uses of planning of sex of babe before construct and anticipation of foetus sex after construct. This survey remained focused on cognizing its truth after construct and revealed same consequence of truth of 50 % as with chance of tossing a coin but it did happen better sensitiveness for foretelling male child as compared to girl babies. This survey can give better and new consequences if practiced under the supervising of a confer withing household doctor for the intent of be aftering babe ‘s sex before construct particularly on good educated pregnant adult females.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Contemporary World Culture “Why Women Go Into Porn”

There are quite a few reasons why men and woman enter into the porn industry, but by far it’s all about the money and many porn stars have said it’s because of the money. Porn is a billion dollar industry as money is made through the selling of pornographic magazines and movies. With the advent of the internet, porn has catapulted into an even bigger money maker for the porn industry and not only in the U. S. but world wide. Porn is literally everywhere and there are thousands of websites that offer pornographic videos, pictures and even stream live web-cams. Depending on what you wish to see you can watch live footage of people having sex or engaging in other sexual acts. But what about the actors or actresses that are in porn, how and why do they really get involved in such an industry? For the women more so than the men society asks why women get themselves involved doing sexual acts on film or live. The porn industry makes it seem like the porn actresses love sex and that they want you to think that they enjoy being degraded by all kinds of repulsive acts. The truth about porn actresses is that they showed up on the set not knowing about certain requirements and were told by porn producers to do it or leave without being paid. Work or never work again. Some of these women don’t have a choice because they need the money bad, so some were manipulated and coerced and even threatened. Throughout their career some of these women have caught HIV, Herpes, or some other kind of sexually transmitted disease from that coercion. Other porn actresses have gone home after a long night of numbing her pain, puts a pistol to her head and pulls the trigger. Now she’s dead. It’s safe to say most women who turn to porn acting as a money making enterprise, probably didn’t grow up in healthy childhoods either. In fact, many actresses admit they’ve experienced sexual abuse, physical abuse, verbal abuse and neglect by parents. Some were raped by relatives and molested by neighbors. When they were little girls they wanted to play with dollies and be mommies, not have big scary men get on top of them. The same horrible violations they experienced then, they relive it through as they perform in front of the camera and quite a few of them hate every minute of it. Despite the fact that some people look down on and frown at women working in the porn industry we as a society must realize that it is their choice and their choice alone to work in this industry. Some women who are struggling to become models or actresses will do porn films so they are not forced to live on the streets. The biggest reason for women and even men in porn is the money, and several female porn stars have made millions of dollars in the porn industry. The porn industry can be a stepping stone to other things in life, whatever the case may be. But we all start somewhere and the porn industry is where some women and men choose and want to be. I tried to find some official statistics online from sites like The Department of Justice, but all they had was child pornography statistics. Here are a few from a Christian site that is involved in a program to help those women get out of the porn industry.

Political Influence Essay

A person is fed information throughout their life from various outside influences; this is how one forms values, views and opinions. From this, one is able to shape their political views based on what they believe or have been taught to believe. There are many factors that come into play when these views are formed, such as historical events. Others while apparent have a latent effect, such as gender, race, socio-economic status etc. The way a person is brought up has a fairly large impact on political socialization. Children come to know their parents value systems and beliefs. The children are brought up around these beliefs and these beliefs are instilled upon them in both unconscious and conscious ways. This is the beginning. As a person is introduced to more situations and experiences their views are molded further but the foundations are always there. Most Americans do not look thorough the inner workings of our government and the general idea of politics. Instead they look at what politics has to offer for them. It is far easier to just look at politics based on your opinions rather than through the policies and procedures. With the innovations of modern technology and the mass media, people don’t have to look that hard for issues surrounding politics. All they have to do is turn on their T. V. or read the news on their favorite search engine web site. I think that this has had a negative effect on people’s political views. Instead of reading articles and forming opinions on their own, they are shown the sensationalized view of politics and a fairly biased/limited perspective. My own political views were formed the same way everyone else’s were. My parents taught me about the differences between democrats and republicans, what the president does and even about the legislative branch. These teachings were mainly based around their own views but always with quite a bit of objectivity. I grew up in a fairly free household; my parents encouraged individuality and self-reliance. This gave me the ability to learn and think about things on my own, being able figure out how I felt about them. Another interesting thing about my upbringing is that I grew up without a computer, so when I wanted to know what was going on I had to watch the news on T. V. The school that I went to was fairly progressive and the teacher that I had for Social Studies taught us a lot about both our local and federal governments, all of which have helped me from my political views. I am a very open-minded person and this carries over heavily into how I view politics. I tend to focus on the single issues at hand and not on which party is proposing them. I feel strongly on many issues, to include abortion, education, foreign/domestic policy, welfare and most recently civil unions; however I try to understand both sides; not to agree but to understand. I do feel that I could be far more educated in politics, but I believe I am off to a good start.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Historical development of the Role of Human Resource Management Essay

Historical development of the Role of Human Resource Management - Essay Example Human resource management is in charge of compelling the recruited employees to be committed to their work. It evaluates the performance of the employees and it advocates for the best human assets integration to ensure the maximum efficiency in an organization. Human resource management transforms the personnel in an organization into human resources, placing emphasis on their efficiency (Heathfield, 2012). Human resource management is the function in an organization that deals with all the relations of the human assets that enhance their wellbeing in the working area. It focuses on the recruitment and evaluation of the human assets. It does a follow-up on the performance of the employees and it ensures that the relations between the human assets provide an atmosphere that motivates them. It is a strategic management plan that looks into people’s issues and solves them through the integration of various organizational policies. Human resource management is a vital function for any company looking to enhance its performance in the production of quality goods and services. HRM adds value to the organization through analyzing the performance of the employees when subjected to various programs (Marler, 2012). HRM enables the employees to contribute their ideas, which are addressed individually for the sole purpose of ensuring that all the employees in the organization achieve their highest level of efficiency. HRM is in charge of driving the employees towards achieving the common goals in the organization. HRM is a positive response to the fact that the human assets in an organization are the most important assets. Historical background of Human Resource Management Human resource management has been in existence for a very long time and it has evolved from a simple to a very complex and strategic function. The principles of human resource management were set in use since the prehistoric days when the people would use certain values to select their leaders. A fter the successful selection of a leader in the social or political scene, the leader would then pass on the knowledge he gathered to his successor and so forth. This was a form of human training. The leaders had to have outstanding knowledge in certain areas, and the heirs would be trained before they took power. This was the most basic form of human resource management, which was aimed at ensuring that the leaders were efficient and committed to their work before they could be allowed to rule (Khilawala, 2012). Historical records indicate that the first people to screen their employees were the Chinese and the Greeks. This was done by a separate function in the early organizations – the most qualified people who have obtained jobs would be constantly evaluated and provided with training for their work. Human resource management has been given several names during its evolution. It was first recognized under the name â€Å"personnel management†. Personnel management gained popularity in the late years of the 19th century. During this period, the organizations would organize welfare officers’ teams whose main responsibility was to address the requirements of laborers. The welfare officers were solely females. Later on, in the early 20th century, the task of the welfare officers became too demanding, and organizations developed a new function named

Monday, October 7, 2019

Summary Paper over Getting Real in the Classroom by Ellen Goodman Essay

Summary Paper over Getting Real in the Classroom by Ellen Goodman - Essay Example As Goodman puts it, they offered â€Å"a horror story† of the boys academic fall, presenting various incontestable evidences. Actually, the problem is that boys fall behind girls. This has given ground for discussion of the issue from the prospective of feminism and sexism, brain studies and genetic biology, all of them proving that something is wrong with males in this country. As a result Doug Anglin, a senior from Milton High School in Massachusetts, even filed a lawsuit against sex discrimination in the whole system. Goodman does not agree with Anglin’s claim. The author of this paper supports him with both hands. It is a well known fact that boys face problems in learning, while it is against their nature to sit still listening carefully and following all the teacher’s demands. Females are too timid to violate rules. Males often abandon some subject for the sake of their special individual interests. For instance, some of my male classmates were interested i n electronics and cars, others in politics, history or physics, and those interests were pursued instead of learning the academic program. As the result, when graduating males usually possess knowledge making them specialists in some field and enabling them to earn money, while females can do almost nothing but fulfill teachers’ and academic requirements. Teachers often curse their male students instead of paying special attention to their personalities. Perhaps, the problem is not in students, but in grown-ups teaching them. In respond to all the disturbing studies, Washington carried out a crisis intervention claiming that, in fact, those are not boys who are doing worse, but girls who are doing better. The boys have shown better results recently. The report also informed that girls tend to score higher in reading and writing, while boys are better in math and science. Yet, Goodman finds danger in these facts. Girls close their math gap faster than