Saturday, August 10, 2019

Humanities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 6

Humanities - Essay Example e, sceptics continuously claim that the flood of Noah in the book of Genesis is a rewritten version of the original myth called the Epic of Gilgamesh written and produced by the Sumerians in a form of a poem. It is imperative to note that, the flood of the epic of Gilgamesh is enclosed on the Tablet XI, which is one of the 212 tablets dated to 650B.C (The Epic of Gilgamesh and the Old Testament, 9). The tablets might not perceptibly be the originals, because the remains of the Gilgamesh flood story have been established on tablets dated to earlier dates such as 2000.B.C. On the other hand, the Genesis story about the flood is not dated, however, the liberal researchers have dated it between 1500-500B.C. some of the similarities that have made liberal scholars believe that the Genesis flood story is founded in the Gilgamesh story include The significance of the names of the heroes does not exhibit any common similarity or linkage. For instance, Noah meant â€Å"rest†, while Utnapishtim meant finder of life. However, both of them were considered righteous and faultless as compared with the rest. On the composition of those who entered the boat, Utnapishtim took a pilot, artisans and his family (The Epic of Gilgamesh and the Old Testament, 10). Equally, it is fascinating to find out that both floods trace to the same place; the Middle East, nonetheless the tow mountains, Ararat and Nisir are 300 miles apart. In addition, the gift or blessing the heroes received after the floods was different. For instance, Noah received the blessing of multiplying and filling the earth and taking charge of all animals, while Utnapishtim was offered eternal life. The account that in both floods a boat existed is an obvious expectation for any danger, there must be a means of escape and the boats served this purpose in both cases. Equally, the construction of the boats was attributed to the knowledge of the coming of danger, which originated from somebody thus the existence of both God

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