Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Sibling Society :: essays research papers

The Sibling Society by Robert Bly is a moving call for the rediscovery of adulthood. It is not about siblings in a family. Robert Bly has used the term â€Å"sibling society† as a metaphor to suggest that we are in a culture that doesn't look up to parents or to grandparents. What are these siblings like? The description of the â€Å"sibling society† builds throughout the book. They are a society of half-adults who lack dedication to causes, justices and caring. At what point do they become full-fledged adults? We are all perpetual half-adults pursuing our own pleasure. This pleasure has become the disease of our society. The need to stay young for adults has corrupted our society. The book’s array of anecdotes and examples attempt to prove a chilling point. The point is that our nation is one of adults regressing towards adolescence and adolescents with no desire to become adults. Where have all the grownups gone? In his interpretation of social change, he sees a society adolescent in its behavior, no matter what age or geographic location. â€Å"Sibling society† acts as a lens focusing on tendencies, habits and griefs we have all noticed. Of all these griefs and tendencies none is so destructive as the absence of fathers. The role of the father has gone through a drastic change. Fathers are no longer the sole center of the family, the breadwinners. In traditional society older men played an important role in rearing boys. But in our society the elderly is locked behind the doors of nursing homes and not around to pass down their wisdom. Respect for elders has given way to the furious competition of peers who strive not to be good but to be famous. Where have all the grownups gone? With single parents working full time jobs, babies are carted off to day care centers to have someone else raise them instead of their parents. In the sibling culture that Bly describes, the talk show replaces family. Television has robbed children of their ability to use their imagination just when it should be flowering. Instead of art, we have the Internet. Bly grieves computers as well, arguing that they have caused children to withdraw into an artificial world. In place of community we have the mall. Through his use of poetry and myth, Bly takes us beyond sociological statistics and tired psychobabble to see our problem anew.

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